2005/10/19: Skamania in Berlin!

It's official: Skambankt will play in Berlin, Tuesday, November 15!
The gig will take place at Frannz Club, and it's gonna be part of a "Scandinavian Night" which means Skambankt will play together with three other Scandinavian bands, Private Line from Finland, Kira And The Kindred Spirits from Denmark and CDOASS from Sweden. The whole concert is part of the "Open mic" series of the record company Universal, and it's not yet clear whether it is open to the public. I'll keep you posted.
Further infos (in German) on the site of the club or for example here.

2005/10/13: New look!

So, as promised, here you go: A complete new design of the page. Hope it looks a little better than the old one... =;-)
The content is still the same, there's some more "Coming soon"s, but those will be filled soon. If you have any comments regarding the new look or if you find some errors, tell me, I'm happy about any hint!

2005/10/11: Relaunch soon!

Soon to come: a redesign of this page. The current layout is terrible... Also: I'll put the lyrics and English translations online in the not too far future, promised.

2005/10/11: Germany gets Skambankt?

There's rumors that Skambankt might be playing a gig in Germany soon - nothing's confirmed yet, but keep your eyes open, Germany will get skambankt - hopefully, that is. =;-)

2005/8/5: Time out!

The festivals are over, now Mr. Frontman is busy with his "side project" (according to the official Skambankt site). So there's a little break now, no concerts at the moment.
But if you want Skambankt music anyway: Go to the cinema and watch the Norwegian movie "Tommys Inferno". Two Skambankt songs in there!